"The Castle of No Return" is the second book in the series "Worlds Beyond the Wall". The main character of the fantasy world created by Oksana Smirnova is a simple Moscow schoolgirl named Nastya Streshneva, nicknamed Tyukha.
The house where...
the girl lives is hidden in a courtyard bordering an old factory and at the same time a magical world. One day in the middle of summer, two boys appear there - actually princes from neighboring kingdoms. One is named Rick Podorozhnik, the other - Tom Chertopolokh. They came to the Moscow courtyard to fight against black beetles - invisible to humans monsters that steal other people's joy... It is from meeting these unusual young men that Nastya's incredible adventures begin.
In the second part, Nastya and her friends will again have to fight against treacherous villains and save the world. On this path, they will encounter a mysterious time loop, a space that changes its properties, and other dangerous traps. But the kids will overcome everything, as Tyukha in ancient Greek means - "luck".
In the book, you will find:
- a twisted plot with unexpected turns;
- incredible heroes created by the author's rich imagination;
- the opportunity, without leaving your room, to embark on a journey through new mysterious dimensions;
- important meanings hidden behind the fantasy backdrop;
- talented illustrations by the young artist Yulia Shironiina.
Who is this book for?
- for kids of different ages, starting from six years old;
- for all lovers of fantasy and good adventure literature.
Artist: Yulia Shironiina
Author: Оксана Смирнова
Printhouse: Nikeia
Series: Миры за стеной
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785907828261
Number of pages: 304
Size: 208х145х20 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 490 g
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