An immortal book, first published in 1895 and still relevant today. A book on which all new advertising, political, and media technologies are based, are being created, and will continue to be created. A book that any politician, journalist, PR... person, or simply a person who does not want to become a voiceless victim of propaganda should know by heart. Ideas-dogmas and religion as a way to influence the masses, the influence of propaganda on the moods of the crowd, methods of instilling any ideas, even the most harmful and destructive, into the masses – these are just a few of the brilliant and cynical insights of Gustave Le Bon, a man who, among other things, is the author of the aphorisms "The masses only respect power" and "The crowd is directed not towards those who provide it with obviousness, but towards those who provide it with an alluring illusion".
Author: Гюстав Лебон
Printhouse: AST
Series: Philosophy - Неоклассика
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171645465
Number of pages: 320
Size: 212x136x29 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 323 g
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