Roberta Guzzardi is a psychotherapist and illustrator. Sincerely passionate about drawing, she combined this talent with her professional skills to tell stories about emotions, thoughts, fears, and "monsters" through comics that reflect our inner world.
Sometimes it seems that life has...
turned into a chaotic succession of disappointments and meaningless events. We become disappointed in people, in relationships, suffer from unfulfilled desires, endlessly replaying in our minds what is no longer there… Perhaps it all comes down to the fact that we know too little about ourselves?
Roberta Guzzardi, originally combining the experience of art therapy with Carl Gustav Jung's concept of the "Shadow" and existentialism, invites us to temporarily become a child and have a friendly conversation with that part of our personality that we usually overlook. Life's ups and downs will become meaningful, and the inner "monster" will turn out to be not a terrifying enemy but a true ally.
This book will help you:
- deal with the past and understand the present;
- overcome disappointment and despair through meeting your "shadow";
- start a dialogue with your inner child and discover what he really wants;
- understand your true "self";
- finally achieve harmony.
Author: Роберта Гуццарди
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Психология в комиксах
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041951085
Number of pages: 304
Size: 235x165x18 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 474 g
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