Magical worlds created by the famous English writer Edith Nesbit awaken the imagination and transport readers to a completely different reality. The novel "The Magic City" was written in 1910 and has not yet been published in Russian. Meanwhile, Edith... Nesbit's (1858 - 1924) works had a significant impact on the development of children's literature. The device that Nesbit used in her books (when ordinary people, contemporaries of the author, encounter magic in everyday life) was adopted by the most talented writers of the twentieth century - Pamela Lyndon Travers (author of the Mary Poppins stories), Diana Wynne Jones, and J.K. Rowling. Clive Staples Lewis, the author of the "Chronicles of Narnia" series, even mentions Nesbit's characters in the novel "The Magician's Nephew." Edith Nesbit wrote over 60 novels for children. Many of them have been translated into Russian. One night, ten-year-old Philip, without leaving his home, enters a magical city that he himself has created. But how can he convince the local residents that he comes in peace? What good deeds and actions will help the boy gain friends and free the city from the treacherous destroyer? Philip, along with his friend Lucy, will embark on a very long and difficult journey: he will fight a dragon, build an Ark, and free the inhabitants of Somnolensia from the power of the Great Sloth. In the incredible adventures of the young hero, fairy-tale characters and the most amazing mythical creatures accompany him. .
Author: Эдит Несбит
Printhouse: NIGMA
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2016
ISBN: 9785433503403
Number of pages: 248
Size: 265x210x20 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 852 g
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