Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence
Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence
Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence
Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence
Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence
Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence
Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence

Complete J. Life as a business project in an era of turbulence

Many are sure that success is material well-being and on the way to it you must sacrifice something. Most of us spend far more time planning our business or career than planning our lives. As a result, we often see...

Author: Радислав Гандапас

Printhouse: AST

Series: Звезда нонфикшн. Подарочная

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785171652654

Number of pages: 240

Size: 244x171x18 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 522 g

ID: 1675265
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