Many are sure that success is material well-being and on the way to it you must sacrifice something. Most of us spend far more time planning our business or career than planning our lives. As a result, we often see...
successful people who are actually very tired and not very happy. Therefore, the real solution is to learn to live fully not instead of business, but together with a successful business.
A fulfilling life includes the satisfaction of all basic human needs. These are love, friendship, welfare, work, health and hobbies. The main point of the strategy for a fulfilling life is to balance all these areas, maintain them, increase the degree of satisfaction, always keep your finger on the pulse and find your point of balance, your happiness.
You need to learn to live life to the fullest here and now. Now, when dreams do not lose their relevance and we can still build our own strategy for happiness. After all, happiness is the main category of balance for a fulfilling life. And this is exactly what this book is about.
Printhouse: AST
Series: Звезда нонфикшн. Подарочная
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171652654
Number of pages: 240
Size: 244x171x18 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 522 g
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