When you die, do you lose your thoughts? How do I know that when I sleep I am not dead? If I die, what happens to my console? Is death scary? Is it true that when your head is cut...
off, your body runs around without a head? If someone you love dies, how long do you grieve? Will there be machines in the future to revive people? Why do they say “rest in peace” and not “merry in peace”?
Two writers and one illustrator dive into the topic and meet 38 questions about death from girls and boys from 5 to 15 years old. What will they answer?
This gentle, open-minded book, rigorous and strangely funny, invites conversation, reflection and new questions about death.
Author: Эллен Дьюти, Анна Хуан Кантавелья
Printhouse: Samokat
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785001676539
Number of pages: 138
Size: 240х170х12 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 380 g
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