The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics
The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics

The miracle of a living cell. The perfect guide from the atom to genetics

Life surrounds us everywhere - diverse and amazing. Life is incomparable to anything and never ceases to amaze us. But what does it really mean to be alive? How does a living cell work? Where did life begin and what...

Author: Нёрс Пол

Printhouse: KoLibri

Series: Научный интерес

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785389258532

Number of pages: 224

Size: 119x185 mm

Cover type: Твердая

Weight: 252 g

ID: 1674862
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