“Another person’s soul is darkness...” How often do you say this common expression out loud or to yourself? How often do you, after talking with a friend, work colleague or neighbor, shrug your shoulders: “He’s kind of strange...”. If more... often than you would like, then you need this book. This is a pocket guide to human characters that will reveal the secrets of communicating with the people around you. You will learn to understand and predict the thoughts, feelings and actions of any person. 49 simple rules will teach you to accurately understand people.
Author: Оксана Сергеева
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Психология. Все по полочкам
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2010
ISBN: 9785699414963
Number of pages: 128
Size: 164x104x5 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 66 g
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