— Father Alexander! Christian Churches are going through difficult times right now. Christ Himself once doubted—whether He would find truly faithful people on earth when He comes again into the world in His glory. What is your opinion—how far are...
we from such a state of humanity?
— Christ also said—I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! Judging by the number of people in our time, despite the increasing pressure from the enemies of the Church of Christ, who continue to seek and find in Her the source of God's love, judging by the numerous examples of amazing Christian deeds by various people in different corners of the world, sacrificing themselves for God and their neighbor, we still have some "margin of safety" and potential for multiplying the divine presence in human souls. Christ is among us, and He is, and will be!
Author: Александр Торик
Printhouse: Blagovest
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785990633360
Number of pages: 304
Size: 202х135х20 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 395 g
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