The MAC "Imago" (Image) is a universal portrait deck. Indispensable in working with all existing client requests. Suitable for processing feelings and current states, as well as situations affecting relationships of any kind – with oneself, with parents, with partners,...
with children, with colleagues, with one's subpersonalities, and even with work and illness. They can be used in individual constellations, for building family sociograms and genograms. The deck will be useful in psychotherapy of identity crises, internal and external conflicts; for identifying and correcting the "I-concept", parent-child relationships, script setups and decisions; in searching for ways out of deadlock situations, etc.
In any form of art, portraits hold a special place. In literature, for example, a character is revealed through the description of their appearance, manner of speaking and moving. In painting and photography, a portrait is seen not only as a form of depicting a human likeness – it is an artistic statement dedicated to the individual life of a specific person.
In psychology, the portrait genre is treated very carefully – portrait decks occupy a separate niche in the list of metaphorical associative cards and are part of the basic set of MACs. Because it has long been noted that a person, looking into the mirror of the portrait, can see themselves as they are today and understand who they want and can become tomorrow.
The "Imago" (Image) deck* contains 90 portrait photographs processed through "watercolor" filters in Adobe Photoshop. The blurred effect has expanded their associative possibilities, and the color solutions have made the images emotionally rich.
*Imago (in psychoanalysis) is the internal unconscious representation of any important person in a person's life, especially one of the parents. Author: Mikhail LurkoCards: 90+ instruction book
Author: Михаил Лурко
Printhouse: MACards
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785604381359
Size: 110х75х11 mm
Weight: 180 g
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