The sayings and thoughts of great commanders are compiled in this book into a unified science of military art, a unique code of soldierly and officer honor, glorifying heroism, love, and devotion to one's Fatherland, while also revealing the secrets... of military mastery, invaluable even today. Through millennia—from the Persian king Cyrus, the Chinese sage Sun Tzu, the Hun Attila, and Alexander the Great, through Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov to our contemporaries Charles de Gaulle and Georgy Zhukov—dozens of destinies and hundreds of phrases compose the Book of Warrior Wisdom, revealing to us the greatness of individuals capable of winning battles, expanding the borders of their homeland, and defending its territories from enemies. The life and wisdom of the twenty-five greatest commanders of all time will be presented to us in the form of their most important aphorisms and quotes.
Printhouse: Olma-press
Series: Мудрость тысячелетий
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785001854432
Number of pages: 208
Size: 265х200х15 мм mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 730 g
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