Have you ever tried peeling potatoes, fully immersing yourself in the task with all your attention and energy? Have you tried playing with a child as children do: putting aside thoughts of work, forgetting about the phone, and wholeheartedly engaging...
in building a Lego castle? Have you tried listening to your partner, focusing on their words, emotions, and voice, rather than your own thoughts?
Unfortunately, we spend most of our lives on “autopilot,” existing more in our heads than in reality. What is happening here and now can almost never distract us from the dialogue with our inner critic or the memory of a failure that occurred a year ago. It is no wonder that real life brings us so little joy.
Mindfulness, or being present, is the ability to be here and now, feeling the fullness of life. This skill not only makes us healthier, happier, and more resilient to stress, but it also gives us back our life — those hours and minutes that we did not fully live, getting lost in our thoughts.
This book is a detailed guide to mindfulness: from the body, emotions, and thoughts to actions and relationships. It includes summaries of 12 world bestsellers and 12 infographics on the most important topics related to mindfulness and the ability to perceive life in all its fullness.
Age restrictions: 10+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785604800928
Number of pages: 176
Size: 280х215 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 500 g
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