Each poem in this edition is presented first with a literal translation into Russian and a lexical commentary included (in brackets), and then repeated without translation. Since the translation and commentary are not given separately from the text, but are... “embedded” in it, accompanying individual sentences and parts of sentences, the poem, no matter how linguistically complex it may be, inevitably becomes understandable. This approach makes it possible for even a reader who is just beginning to learn English to read English and American poetry in the original.
Author: Франк Илья
Printhouse: VKN
Series: Метод обучающего чтения Ильи Франка
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785787317763
Number of pages: 352
Size: 1.5x13x20 mm
Cover type: Мягкая
Weight: 310 g
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