"War is peace!" — they thunder, shaming love and fostering hatred. "Freedom is slavery!" — they crackle, monitoring every word from the screens. "Ignorance is strength!" — they trumpet, tirelessly rewriting history day after day. "Down with Big Brother," —... Winston writes, lacking the courage to say the words aloud. He is trapped in the narrow confines of the System and begins to feel its pressure. The flame of his discontent ignites. Winston gradually straightens his shoulders and tries to break free. He finds love amidst the ubiquitous hatred and hides from the relentless eyes in his little refuge — a fragment of the surviving past, which he may be the only one to still remember. But no one can hide from the gaze of Big Brother. And for disobedience, he punishes with life, which is far worse than death.
Author: ОРУЭЛЛ ДЖ.
Printhouse: Oblozhka
Series: Обложка. XX век
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785907728066
Number of pages: 368
Size: 206x134x22 мм mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 382 g
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