The dictionary contains 5,000 Russian words and 5,000 Ukrainian words, grouped by 100 different themes, including about 400 sections: car, army, architecture, airport, bank, hospital, time, geographical names, city, money, etc.
The dictionary provides phonetic transcription of all Ukrainian words. At...
the end of the dictionary, there are two indexes of Russian and Ukrainian words, containing the numbers of the themes in which they occur.
The alphabetical indexes of all Ukrainian and Russian capitalized words allow the dictionary to be used as a regular (bilingual) dictionary when necessary. The dictionary can be used in studying both the Ukrainian language and the Russian language.
It is an excellent supplement to any self-study guide, textbook, or foreign language course.
Printhouse: Zhivoi iazyk
Series: Словарь
Year of publication: 2012
ISBN: 9785803308799
Number of pages: 288
Size: 150x100x14 мм mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 136 g
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