Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories
Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories
Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories
Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories
Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories
Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories

Happy everyday life. Tranquil years: stories

The book includes two stories by Vera Novitskaya, “Happy Everyday Life” and “Halcyon Years,” about the childhood of Musya Starobelskaya, a student at a closed girls’ gymnasium at the end of the 19th century. At the beginning of the book,...

Author: Новицкая Вера

Printhouse: ENAS

Series: Гимназистки

Age restrictions: 12+

Year of publication: 2022

ISBN: 9785001981060

Number of pages: 320

Size: 145x217 mm

Cover type: Твердая

Weight: 402 g

ID: 1669298
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