The new book by Peter Cozzens, the best-selling author of the American Civil War, unfolds before readers a large-scale panorama of the Indian Wars on the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains - a series of the longest and fiercest battles... in American history. As a result of fierce and bloody battles, the indigenous inhabitants of the country were deprived of their lands. Based on the testimony of participants and archival documents, Cozzens creates vivid portraits of representatives of the warring parties, without idealizing or denigrating any of them. This stunning documentary saga allows you to look at the tragic history of the Indians from two sides - through the eyes of participants in the fierce battle for the vast expanses of North America.Supplemented with numerous maps of battles and rare photographic portraits of famous participants in the Indian Wars.For those interested in little-known pages of world history.
Author: Питер Коззенс
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Series: Научно-популярные книги
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785001393658
Number of pages: 695
Size: 217x147x33 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 819 g
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