English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam
English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam
English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam
English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam
English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam
English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam

English language. 10-11 grades. Handbook for preparing for the Unified State Exam

The reference book contains materials on English grammar and vocabulary necessary to prepare for the exam. The publication has a clear practical focus: it provides background information on the structure of the exam, provides detailed algorithms for completing all types...

Author: Майя Андреева

Printhouse: VAKO

Series: Школьный справочник

Age restrictions: 6+

Year of publication: 2022

ISBN: 9785408061686

Number of pages: 64

Size: 235x165x4 mm

Cover type: мягкая

Weight: 90 g

ID: 1667058
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