Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor
Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor
Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor
Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor
Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor
Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor

Bushido. Samurai Code of Honor

A book about the special moral ideal of Japan's military tradition - the famous code of samurai honor Bushido, or "The Way of the Warrior." It is Bushido that represents the very soul of samurai, its inner essence. The most...

Author: Алексей Маслов

Printhouse: Feniks

Series: Вершина успеха

Age restrictions: 12+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785222415702

Number of pages: 127

Size: 200x125x8 mm

Cover type: Мягкая обложка

Weight: 108 g

ID: 1624689
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