In his book «The Science of the Future», Chiward Carrington clearly and understandably addresses the main issues of interest to researchers of extrasensory perception. The author's task was primarily to discuss and explain their real or possible significance. Here we...
find the author's interesting line of thought on topics such as hypnosis, telepathy, prophetic dreams, haunted houses, and life after death.
«Most people, seeing the title of this book, will immediately ask: “What is the science of the future?” Some will think I mean biology, others will think psychology, others electricity, and so on. But I mean “psychic phenomena”, and the science of the future is the study of such phenomena… It is enough to prove a single fact that the researcher of psychic phenomena advocates, and the fundamental concepts of science as they currently exist will be completely shaken. Then it will not be necessary to abandon either the laws or the facts acquired at the cost of titanic labor, but it will be enough to simply adjust our ideas about science and expand its boundaries so that it encompasses new facts – possibly even the spiritual universe, the world of forces and causes, of which we only guess by its effects. We must establish a connection with the world of spiritual minds that generate the phenomena we are called to study. The study of these phenomena will undoubtedly shape the science of the future».
Printhouse: Sattva
Series: Астрология, Эзотерика, Магия, Практическая магия, Призраки
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785917423302
Number of pages: 290
Size: 210x148x20 мм mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 300 g
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