Biology in tables, diagrams and figures
Biology in tables, diagrams and figures
Biology in tables, diagrams and figures
Biology in tables, diagrams and figures
Biology in tables, diagrams and figures

Biology in tables, diagrams and figures

The manual includes all the material on the secondary school curriculum, presented in the form of tables, diagrams and drawings in a concise and accessible form. It will be indispensable in preparing for the Unified State Exam and centralized testing.

Author: Роман Заяц, Ирина Рачковская, Валерий Бутвиловский

Printhouse: Feniks

Series: Без репетитора

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2022

ISBN: 9785222388747

Number of pages: 399

Size: 207x133x20 mm

Cover type: твердая

Weight: 304 g

ID: 1603944
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