Every Monday you promise yourself “no sweets, daily morning jogging and two liters of water a day”, and then break down by Wednesday? So, maybe you shouldn’t take on everything at once and try to change your established lifestyle in... a few days?The secret to successful change is recognizing and accepting that it takes time and patience. This is confirmed by the 20 years of experience of the author of this book, Brett Blumenthal. She offers a yearlong program of 52 small changes (from nutrition to exercise to attitude) that will ultimately lead you to a healthy (and happy) lifestyle.One small change a week is not that much, you might think. And you'll be right. But in the end they will all add up to a new picture of your life, which will not crumble into pieces at the beginning of next year.
Author: Бретт Блюменталь
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785961494884
Number of pages: 450
Size: 223x170x28 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 690 g
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