Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide
Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide
Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide
Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide
Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide
Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide
Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide

Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide

Anxiety Comes and Goes: Write Your Path to Peace of Mind. Diary guide. It is difficult to argue that we now have enough reasons to be alarmed. Even simply reading the news can cause unpleasant emotions and experiences. What can...

Author: Джон Форсайт. Георг Эйферт

Printhouse: IG Ves'

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2023

ISBN: 9785957350446

Number of pages: 256

Size: 210x140x20 mm

Cover type: Мягкая обложка

Weight: 250 g

ID: 1596129
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