Foreseeing the inevitability of a global cataclysm, seven sages from all corners of the earth meet in Tulanka, a lost monastery in the Tibetan mountains, to pass on to two teenagers the keys to universal wisdom. Despite the cultural and...
historical differences of their traditions, they rely on their personal experience and are inspired by what they call the Soul of the World: a benevolent force that supports the harmony of the universe.
Their message answers key questions:
- What is the meaning of my existence?
- How can I achieve success in life and be happy?
- How can I harmonize the needs of my body and mind?
- How can I learn to know myself and realize my creative potential?
- How can we move from fear to love and contribute to the transformation of the world?
Far from dogmatic beliefs, they unveil a simple and specific path of spiritual humanism that helps us live.
A brilliant dedicatory fable that touches not only the mind but also the heart.
Author: ЛЕНУАР Ф.
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Сердце мира. Философские притчи всех времен и народов
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785041140397
Number of pages: 176
Size: 60x84/16 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 293 g
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