The science fiction novella by Kir Bulychev "The Girl from Earth," published in the series "School Library" by the "Omega" publishing house, introduces young readers to Alisa Selezneva – a brave and curious girl from the future, who embarks on...
a space expedition with her father and Captain Zeleny to find amazing extraterrestrial animals for the Moscow Zoo. Accidentally overheard words from a talking bird prompt the travelers to change their planned route to search for the Captains of the "Blue Seagull" and unravel the mystery of the Third Planet.The novella is aimed at children of elementary and middle school age. Having undergone numerous reprints and adaptations, it still teaches modern boys and girls very important things: friendship and respect, honesty and fairness, resilience and mutual assistance.
The text of the work is presented without cuts, printed on good paper in large font, and contains colorful illustrations by L. Chernikova.
The average format and lightweight nature of the edition make it convenient for a home or school library and an easy load in a school backpack.
Author: Кир Булычев
Printhouse: Omega
Series: Школьная библиотека
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785465045353
Number of pages: 256
Size: 205х145х16 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 334 g
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