The recommended teaching aid by the Chess Federation of Russia will help schoolchildren significantly expand their knowledge in all stages of chess play. The book will introduce tactical techniques that are often encountered in practice, such as destroying defense, distraction,...
zwischenzug, interference, blockade, and x-ray. Great attention is paid to opening theory: young chess players will learn some ideas of the King's Gambit, the Two Knights Defense, the Queen's Gambit, and several other openings. The basics of positional play are covered in the chapters «Outpost in the Center», «Weak Squares Near the King», «Evans Gambit», «Who is Stronger: Bishop or Knight?». Children will deepen their knowledge of pawn endings, as well as learn the basic principles of play in rook and minor piece endgames. They will practice solving combinations and completing assignments on all topics covered in the manual. Each chapter is accompanied by colorful illustrations.
For students of general education schools.
Author: БАРСКИЙ В.Л.
Printhouse: VAKO
Series: По дороге в школу: Прописи
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785408064243
Number of pages: 96
Size: 25.9x19.7x0.8 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 280 g
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