The proposed edition presents a modern view on the problem of communication, based on the classic Leningrad - St. Petersburg concept of relationships by A.F. Lazursky - V.N. Myasishchev. Communication is considered a process in which interpersonal relationships are formed... and developed, while the specifics of communication become the result of certain relationships between people. In the psychology of relationships, according to the author, several directions are distinguished, which also served as the titles for the chapters in the textbook. The most general and encompassing a large part of the information is “The Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships.” It is also important to highlight “The Psychology of Family Relationships,” “The Psychology of Gender Relationships,” “The Psychology of Adult and Child Relationships,” “The Psychology of Business Relationships.” In this regard, the textbook emphasizes individual and age aspects, as well as the pedagogical component of the aforementioned field of psychological knowledge. An undeniable advantage of this textbook is the concise combination of theoretical foundations and practical components: a wealth of examples, visuals, and methodological tools are characteristic of it. Thus, a scientific approach is combined with the applied nature of the material presentation. The theoretical and practical information of this edition can be used in most modern disciplines within the framework of psychological and pedagogical training of future bachelors and masters.
Author: СЛОТИНА Т. В.
Printhouse: piter
Series: Учебное пособие
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785446122608
Number of pages: 368
Size: 60х90/16 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 450 g
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