In the multiplayer with lights «Best Friends», the most popular children's hits about friendship and more are collected: «Friends», «The Song of the Little Lion and the Turtle», «Chunga-Changa», «Let's Start the Party», «The Song of the Little Mammoth», «Good...
Bug», «Duet of the King and the Princess», «Dreamers» and many others. In total, there are 25 songs and 6 melodies in the multiplayer!
By pressing the colorful buttons, the little one can sing along with the Raccoon and other cartoon characters, as well as dance to disco melodies. The colorful lights on the shaped buttons flash to the music!
The multiplayer with lights «Best Friends» will delight with its bright design: it looks like a real «adult» smartphone. With this toy, the little one will be occupied for a long time!
Playing with such a multiplayer not only entertains the little one but also develops their musical abilities, memory, and imagination.
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