The textbook is designed for studying the course "Informatics" in the 8th grade of general education school. It is part of the educational and methodological kit for informatics for grades 5-9, which includes an author's program, textbooks, workbooks, electronic applications,... and methodological materials for teachers.The principle of invariance to specific computer models and software versions is maintained. The theoretical material of the textbook is supported by an extensive apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the studied material, ensuring the preparation of students for passing the exam at the end of the basic school course in the format of the state exam.It is assumed that there will be wide use of resources from federal educational portals, including the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources.Corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (2010).
Printhouse: Prosveshchenie
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785090878074
Number of pages: 160
Size: 240x170/10 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 250 g
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