“How much strength! How many wonderful places! How good is “The Idiot”! And all the characters are very bright, colorful — only they are illuminated by electric light, under which even the most ordinary, familiar face, usual colors get a... supernatural shine, and you want to examine them as if anew.” This was one of the first reviews of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel, or rather, of its first part, published in 1868 in the journal “Russian Herald.” There will be both enthusiastic and negative reviews, as well as the writer's own doubts about the success of “The Idiot,” and the acknowledgment of the public... These brightly lit people in the drawings of Dementy Shmarinov come to life, speak, cry, and laugh, immersing the reader in the ideas and passions of the characters of the novel.
Printhouse: RECh'
Series: Малая классика Речи
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785926837602
Number of pages: 848
Size: 115х168 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 700 g
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