These biographical essays were published about a hundred years ago as a separate book in the series «The Lives of Remarkable People» by F. F. Pavlenkov (1839—1900). Written in a new genre for that time of poetic chronicle and historical-cultural... research, these texts retain their informational and psycho-energetic value to this day. Initially written «for ordinary people», for the Russian provinces, today they can be recommended not only to bibliophiles but to a wide readership: both to those who are completely unversed in the history and psychology of great people and to those for whom these subjects are a profession.
Author: АБРАМОВ Я.В.
Printhouse: Kniga po Trebovaniiu
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785424124693
Number of pages: 58
Size: 21 x 14.6 x 0.4 mm
Cover type: Мягкая глянцевая
Weight: 100 g
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