"Morning doesn't start with coffee" – you are probably familiar with this phrase. You either heard it from friends or acquaintances or even used it yourself. Why are we remembering it at all? Because in this board game, your morning... will always start the same way. Equally wonderful!About the Game"Walking with Dogs" is perhaps more than just a board game. It is an entire encyclopedia where you will get acquainted with more than 150 different dog breeds! If you have always wanted a four-legged friend but for some reason couldn’t get one, in "Walking with Dogs" you can even exceed your wish! Each morning, take out new "good boys" for a walk and head to the green park: play with them and study their behaviors. And don't forget to check the weather forecast before leaving home to be fully prepared for the walk.How to Play?In this board game, players will compete for the love of four-legged friends and for the glory of the most responsible, kind, and overall best dog walker. Reputation is everything; dog owners must be confident that they are handing over their beloved treasure to capable hands.The entire game lasts 4 rounds, and each round is divided into 4 phases:ReplenishmentSelectionWalkRestIn the replenishment phase, players will compete for the pets they would like to take for a walk. This is done through an auction where bids are made with reputation points. In this phase, each player makes 2 bids and receives 2 dogs into their kennel accordingly. Don’t rush to go all-in for the pet that brings the most points; it is worth evaluating your abilities as well as the actions of other players.Once everyone has replenished their kennels, the selection phase begins, where players choose up to three pets and take them for a walk in the park. Walking each dog will require different resources: some may need a sugary bone, some a squeaky ball, and others may require a sturdier leash.Are the pets equipped with everything necessary? It’s time to walk! In the walk phase, players move their dog walker tokens along the park track. The park is divided into various zones, each of which will be of interest to a specific dog. Moving to an empty cell, the player receives a certain resource (and, if available, a location bonus).Did you stretch your paws? Time to head home. In the rest phase, players receive reputation points for the dogs they walked in this round and lose points for those that remained in the kennel. And with the arrival of a new day, as soon as the sun makes its presence known, the four-legged roamers will happily wag their tails in the hope that they will be taken for a walk today!Who Won?The game ends as soon as the rest phase of the fourth round is finished. Throughout the long but interesting walk, players competed for their reputation as the best dog walker, earning those all-important reputation points. The quantity of these points determines the winner – whoever has collected the most wins. Ah, yes, don’t forget to distribute the resources among your pets at the end of the game, which can bring additional reputation points: the happier the dog, the more its owner trusts you. Box Contents163 unique dog cards4 assembling leash disks4 dog walker tokensGame board4 reputation tokens4 walking pads100 resource tokensFirst dog walker tokenRound token50 walk tokens5 location tokensAuto-walker die8 reminder cards16 location bonus cards10 task cards11 weather cards7 breed expert cardsScorekeeping notebook2 token organizers4 solo play cardsGame rules
Author: Hobby World
Series: Настольные игры
Age restrictions: 10+
ISBN: 4630039155370
Weight: 1800 g
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