Before you is a book dedicated to the last ten symbols of the Celtic tree alphabet, the first part of which was described by Charlene Hidalgo in her book «Celtic Rituals with Trees».
The Celtic tree alphabet, also known as Ogham,...
is an ancient Irish alphabet. Its symbols contain ideas, spiritual meanings, and teachings related to Celtic cosmology. Each symbol of Ogham is connected to Celtic culture and mythology, but their messages make sense in modern life as well. They are dedicated to the mysticism of nature itself, a connection with which can provide a person with support and a sense of belonging to one of the oldest forces.
«The gifts of Celtic symbolism and mythology that we grasp through the teachings of trees, the tree calendar, and Ogham are deeply connected to the world of nature and its mysteries. I follow the teachings of trees and Celtic wisdom, and all of this is in the form of a corresponding alphabet: it is the foundation of my practice. If you love trees, are interested in Celtic traditions, and honor nature, I hope you enjoy this book».
Charlene Hidalgo
Author: ИДАЛЬГО Ш.
Printhouse: Ves'
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785957339496
Number of pages: 272
Size: 140х210 mm
Cover type: Твердая бумажная
Weight: 440 g
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