Andrey Reutov's novel opens a new series of books - "Dream Hackers". The plot is based on real events from the history of a Russian group of researchers who kept the essence of their investigations secret for several decades. They...
call themselves - dream hackers.
."The goal of the "hackers": to create a Russian tradition of dreamers, methods for a modern generation that is accustomed to specifics rather than the tedious philosophy of interpreters (I insist on that word) of Castaneda's interpreters. How long can we keep pulling nonsense out of our fingers?.. We sent the "authorities" packing. And started to pursue our own line. This method has given us results…". (Sergey Izrigi)
Author: А.РЕУТОВ
Printhouse: Ves'
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785957310044
Number of pages: 672
Size: 125х200 mm
Cover type: Твердая бумажная
Weight: 650 g
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