Max Stirner is not a philosopher of the first magnitude; his portraits do not adorn textbooks, there are no monuments erected in his honor, and no streets are named after him. By the end of Stirner's life, he was forgotten,...
all his manuscripts disappeared. However, despite the looming oblivion, Stirner managed to leave a bright mark on the history of world philosophy with his one single work. "The Unique One and His Property" is the most famous work in the history of European anarchism. The nihilistic ideas of Max Stirner were formulated decades before Friedrich Nietzsche and the rise of radical individualism in European culture. You hold in your hands a book that demands a reexamination of conventional values, a critical look at the place of man in culture, and, finally, an understanding of what our Self is and on what it is built. "The Unique One and His Property" is one of those books that changed the face of European civilization.
Author: ШТИРНЕР М.
Printhouse: Ripol-klassik
Series: Black Books
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785386137335
Number of pages: 454
Size: 84х108/32 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 472 g
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