Power is not given, power is taken - how many times have you heard these words, and how many times have you repeated them yourself without considering their meaning. Meanwhile, the violent seizure of power in any country is a... grievous crime, and attempts to "take power" end not on a throne, but on the gallows. How did it come to be that a widespread opinion about Power has become an advertisement for a criminal and dead-end path to it, and how do ordinary people actually become people of Power? In their book, Khazin and Shcheglov offer the reader a completely new interpretation of the essence of Power, detailing all stages of a power career - from a regular employee of a corporation to a high-ranking representative of the global elite. By participating in a dialogue with a Theorist and a Practitioner, the Reader gradually gets acquainted with the main categories of the theory of Power (power groups, resources, vassals, and suzerains) and its rules, the main of which has always been and remains "Silence is golden!" What rule of Power did Steve Jobs violate when he was fired from all positions in his own company Apple in 1984? What enemy led to the execution of the "genius of the Carpathians," the all-powerful dictator of Romania Nicolae Ceaușescu? Why did the military coup of 1958 in France begin with generals, while power ultimately went to the long-retired De Gaulle? How many years did it take a real person of Power to go from a beggar on the doorstep to the emperor of Byzantium, and how did he manage to do it? How did American oligarchs Morgans and Rockefellers really fight among themselves, not in the speculation of conspiracy theorists, and what is the balance of power among their heirs in the modern global ruling elite? About this, and much more - in the new book by the famous Russian economist Mikhail Khazin and popular blogger Sergey Shcheglov.
Printhouse: Ripol-klassik
Series: Red Book
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785386147549
Number of pages: 624
Size: 60х90/16 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 514 g
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