A leader must be versatile. Sometimes sensitive, sometimes tough. Sometimes caring, sometimes demanding. Your success as a manager largely depends on your ability to adeptly switch roles. The author offers tools of professional rhetoric, time management techniques, conflict resolution strategies,... and much more that will help you seamlessly blend into the 5 main roles of the ideal manager. By completing 22 exercises to develop communication, management, and leadership skills, you will become: - A PERSUASIVE NEGOTIATOR, successfully presenting to employees and partners; - An EFFECTIVE MANAGER, achieving high results; - A MOTIVATING LEADER, leading the team; - A SENSITIVE PSYCHOLOGIST, consolidating the team; - A SKILLED CONFLICT RESOLVER, implementing even the most unpopular decisions. Vladislav Yakhtchenko is the director of the Argumentorik rhetoric academy and a personal communication coach. He has trained managers and employees of BMW, Paypal, Allianz, and many other companies. Winner of the Moscow debate tournament Moscow Open 2017. A book that every leader should read. With it, you will not only understand the importance of all five roles but also learn to effectively act in any of them. — Pavel Sivozhelezo, management mastery expert, speaker for RBC-TV, Synergy Executive MBA instructor
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Best Business Book Award
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785041612801
Number of pages: 224
Size: 70x100/16 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 470 g
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