Imagine that all our most beloved fairy tales have become real people and settled near us, preserving all their magical properties. How will they manage to survive in our ordinary, magic-less world?
“FAIRY TALES,” a magnificent variation on the theme of...
global folklore heritage, invented by Bill Willingham, provides an answer to this question. Snow White and Bigby Wolf, Goldilocks and the Boy Shepherd return to us — they come back as exiles, cleverly disguised, living in a district of New York called Fabletown. They live, fall in love, fight, and dream of someday returning home..
In the 14th book, the lively Juchenka, daughter of the former wooden soldiers Rodney and June, descends in search of adventures into the dungeons of a gloomy castle, Rose Red finds her new calling and sends messengers to all worlds to revive the glorious knightly order, and a group of rural musicians, who once performed with the Shepherd, set out to deal with the evil witch, which will soon lead Fabletown to a final and irrevocable conclusion.
Author: Билл Уиллингхэм
Printhouse: Azbuka
Series: Графические романы
Age restrictions: 18+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785389215320
Number of pages: 272
Size: 268x175x20 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 885 g
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