The thirty-year experience of teaching the Divine Comedy in various audiences – from school lessons to lectures for housewives – is embodied in this book, which has immediately become a bestseller in Italy. Now, Russian readers also have the opportunity... to become acquainted with the texts of the conversations of the outstanding Italian educator, thinker, and writer Franco Nembrini. The Divine Comedy is not just an immortal medieval masterpiece. It is Dante's timeless call for all ages and for all generations of people living on earth. A call to follow that high destiny, that innate desire for true good, with which the Lord endowed humanity. Nembrini seems to take each of us by the hand and place it in Dante's hand, to embark with him on the most important journey in life – the journey to the stars, to God. This book is addressed to students, educators, literary scholars, psychologists, and also to a wide range of thoughtful readers seeking a conversation about the authenticity of life in literature, about the living connection of regal words with our existence.
Printhouse: Nikeia
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785907307582
Number of pages: 624
Size: 60X90/16 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 820 g
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