The reading book offers the reader the well-known fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Puss in Boots" retold by the outstanding children's writer Erich Kästner. Without changing the plot and content, Kästner nevertheless made the images of the main characters...
of the fairy tale - the Cat and his master Hans - more vivid and appealing. The book contains a dictionary, comments, and translations of difficult passages in footnotes. At the end of each chapter, tasks are provided: questions on the content of the read excerpt, grammatical and lexical tests.
Adaptation, exercises, dictionary, and dramatization by E. V. Yudina.
Author: КЕСТНЕР Э.
Printhouse: Karo
Series: Адаптиров. чтение. Немецкий язык м/о
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785992507102
Number of pages: 96
Size: 60х88/16 mm
Cover type: Мягкая глянцевая
Weight: 107 g
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