The book is part of the author's series "My First Book". The literary texts are presented in various genres: nursery rhymes, jokes, poems, and tales. Their content and volume correspond to the age characteristics of the child. Colorful illustrations on...
each page help the child get familiar with the literary texts. The materials of the book not only contribute to the development of speech but also serve as a means of intellectual, moral, and aesthetic education of the child. It is recommended for a wide range of specialists working with children aged 2-3 years, as well as for parents and governesses.
Printhouse: Binom
Series: Дополнительные пособия
Age restrictions: 2+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785090971980
Number of pages: 64
Size: 84x108/16 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 240 g
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