This guide provides a brief and accessible overview of the main theoretical information on the history of Russia for grades 6-9. The information is systematized and focused on the most important topics of the course, which are tested in the... exam. In the book you will find: • definitions of historical concepts; • key dates; • important events and phenomena; • historical figures. Don't waste time studying long, bulky texts when there are only a few hours left before the lesson or exam! Visual and easy-to-memorize schemes and tables, structured presentation of material — this is what you need for successful preparation for classes and the OGE even in the tightest time frames. Use this compact yet informative guide if you want to quickly gain knowledge, summarize what you've learned at school, master or recall the necessary topic.
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Наглядно и доступно. Средняя школа
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785041693657
Number of pages: 192
Size: 75x108/32 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 147 g
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