The novel "Two Dianas" captivates the reader with its intricate intrigue and unexpected plot twists, in which historical facts are inextricably intertwined with the fantasies of the master of monumental historical-adventure works, Alexandre Dumas. The book tells of the tragic... events that took place on the eve of the civil and religious wars in France in the 16th century. Young Gabriel, having reached adulthood, learns from his nurse about his true origins and finds himself caught up in a whirlwind of palace intrigues. He wants to find his father, who mysteriously disappeared many years ago, or take revenge for his death. After six years, Gabriel, having distinguished himself in the army, falls in love with the beautiful Diana de Castro, a friend of his youth, and plans to marry her. However, the nurse claims that perhaps Gabriel's father, Count de Montgomery, is also Diana's true father... The young count faces a desperate struggle against the enemies of France, knightly tournaments, the king's disfavor, and the machinations of his treacherous and heartless favorite, Diana de Poitiers, who will stop at nothing in pursuit of her goals. The book is illustrated with light, airy, and at the same time dynamic works by Oksana Shulha.
Author: Александр Дюма
Printhouse: NIGMA
Series: Страна приключений
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2021
ISBN: 9785433509191
Number of pages: 544
Size: 266x215x29 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 1670 g
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