Ad Marginem

Лабатут Когда мы перестали понимать мир
£ 13.59
In stock
Small Holinesses
£ 9.89
In stock
Small Holinesses
Франко Арминио
Voice in the Dark
£ 9.89
In stock
Voice in the Dark
Рёко Секигути
Segikuti 961 hours in Beirut (and the 321 dishes that accompanied them)
£ 13.59
In stock
Image. Music. Gesture
£ 16.09
In stock
Image. Music. Gesture
Ролан Барт
Macunaíma, the hero without a character
£ 11.09
In stock
Macunaíma, the hero without a character
Мариу ди Андради
£ 17.39
In stock
Джон Селларс
£ 11.09
In stock
Photography and Its Purposes
£ 12.39
In stock
Photography and Its Purposes
Бёрджер Джон
Cinema Theory. Quick guide
£ 12.39
In stock
Cinema Theory. Quick guide
Ричард Осборн
Искусство инсталляции
£ 16.09
In stock
Theory of Art. A Brief Guide
£ 12.39
In stock
The Theater of the World
£ 19.79
In stock
The Theater of the World
Томас Рейнертсен Берг
Notes from the Wine Cellar
£ 19.79
In stock
Notes from the Wine Cellar
Сентсбери Джордж
What does it mean to think? Arab-Latin answer
£ 12.39
In stock
Not working. Why do we say stop
£ 13.99
In stock
£ 12.39
In stock
Under the Sign of Saturn
£ 12.39
In stock
Under the Sign of Saturn
Сьюзен Сонтаг
Краткая история фотографии
£ 11.09
In stock
Self-Portrait in the Study
£ 12.39
In stock
Self-Portrait in the Study
Джорджо Агамбен
£ 12.39
In stock
Джалал Але-Ахмад