Vedic literature

Brahma Vaivarta Purana
£ 37.39
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Brahma Vaivarta Purana
Шрила Вьясадева
Sacred Knowledge of Ancient India. Vedic Rites, Wisdom Magic, Healing Charms for Gaining Power and Wisdom
£ 18.59
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Ribhu-Gita. Beyond Non-Duality
£ 33.79
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Ancient Vedic Practices (set of 2 books)
£ 45.89
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Ancient Vedic Practices (set of 2 books)
Свами Вишнудевананда Шри Гуру
Philosophy, Religion and Esoteric Teachings of India
£ 9.49
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Visual Philosophy of the Nectar of Instructions
£ 12.69
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Dana-keli-kaumudi. Dana-keli-chintamani. Mukta-charita
£ 13.99
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Dana-keli-kaumudi. Dana-keli-chintamani. Mukta-charita
Шрила Рагхунатха дас Госвами
Bhakti Vedanta
£ 15.49
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Bhakti Vedanta
Девакинандана дас
Na Paraye Ham
£ 18.59
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Na Paraye Ham
Шиварама Свами
Alphabet of Leadership
£ 21.69
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Alphabet of Leadership
Тиртха Павана дас
Shuddha Bhakti Chintamani
£ 21.69
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Shuddha Bhakti Chintamani
Шиварама Свами
Gita's Venus
£ 24.69
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Living Name. A Guide to Chanting with Immersion
£ 27.79
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Living Name. A Guide to Chanting with Immersion
Шачинандана Свами
Prema Dhara
£ 35.69
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Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata. The Deeds of Sri Chaitanya. Adi-khanda
£ 45.59
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Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata. The Deeds of Sri Chaitanya. Adi-khanda
Шрила Вриндаван дас Тхакур
Bodhamrita. Nectar of Revelations 1
£ 4.09
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Ballad of the Fruit Seller Who Went Mad
£ 8.69
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Ballad of the Fruit Seller Who Went Mad
Бхакти Вигьяна Госвами
The Art of Transforming the Heart
£ 10.89
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From Shraddha to Nishtha
£ 10.89
In stock
From Shraddha to Nishtha
Тиртха Павана дас
Visual Philosophy of the Nectar of Devotion
£ 21.89
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The Taste of Wild Honey
£ 23.59
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The Taste of Wild Honey
Бхакти Вигьяна Госвами
Journey to Sacred India
£ 15.59
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Journey to Sacred India
Дмитрий Смирнов
Conversations about Varnashrama
£ 9.59
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Conversations about Varnashrama
Абхай Чаранаравинда Бхактиведанта Прабхупада Свами
The Most Profound Knowledge
£ 9.79
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The Most Profound Knowledge
Бхуриджан Дас
Prayers of the Prodigal Son
£ 10.19
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Prayers of the Prodigal Son
Бхакти Госвами
£ 10.99
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Бхакти Вигьяна Госвами
The Path of the Vedas
£ 10.99
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The Path of the Vedas
Бхакти Вигьяна Госвами
Visual Philosophy of Sri Ishopanishad
£ 10.99
In stock
Healing Prayers. Reflections on the Prayers of Queen Kunti
£ 12.39
In stock