
Anti-Oedipus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Volume 1
£ 32.49
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Anti-Oedipus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Volume 1
Феликс Гваттари, Жиль Делёз
A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Volume 2
£ 32.49
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A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Volume 2
Феликс Гваттари, Жиль Делёз
Logical-Philosophical Treatise
£ 6.79
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Logical-Philosophical Treatise
Людвиг Витгенштейн
37 French philosophers you must know
£ 13.99
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Aesthetics. The Idea of the Beautiful in Art, or the Ideal
£ 7.09
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Aesthetics. The Idea of the Beautiful in Art, or the Ideal
Георг Вильгельм Фридрих Гегель
The Meaning of History. The New Middle Ages
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The Meaning of History. The New Middle Ages
Николай Бердяев
On Resistance to Evil by Force
£ 4.79
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The Art of Change Management. Signs and Wings
£ 45.49
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The Art of Change Management. Signs and Wings
Бронислав Виногродский
Land and Dreams of Will
£ 17.89
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Land and Dreams of Will
Гастон Башляр
The Society of the Spectacle
£ 12.59
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The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money
£ 11.19
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That's it. Why do we scare ourselves with the end of the world?
£ 9.39
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The Letters of the Mahatmas
£ 26.39
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The Art of War
£ 9.79
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The Art of War
The Book of Tea
£ 13.09
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The Book of Tea
Окакура Какудзо
The Decline of Europe (set of 2 volumes)
£ 45.89
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The Decline of Europe (set of 2 volumes)
Освальд Шпенглер
The Impossibility of Socialism. Leftist Ideas at the Service of New Elites
£ 16.99
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The Crisis of the Modern World
£ 15.79
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Stone Face, Black Heart. Asian Philosophy of Victories Without Defeats
£ 9.89
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The Art of Winning Arguments
£ 5.49
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The Art of Winning Arguments
Артур Шопенгауэр
£ 17.39
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Джон Селларс
Image. Music. Gesture
£ 16.09
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Image. Music. Gesture
Ролан Барт
Illness as Metaphor
£ 9.89
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Illness as Metaphor
Сьюзен Сонтаг
The Art of War. Collector's Illustrated Edition
£ 36.19
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Believe and You Will See. The Path of a Scholar from Atheism to Faith
£ 12.69
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Critique of Pure Reason. With Commentary and Illustrations
£ 5.99
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On the Essence of Legal Consciousness
£ 9.29
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