Михаил Пегов

Legendary Cars of Russia
£ 2.59
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Legendary Cars of Russia
Михаил Пегов
On the Scale. Ancient Weights
£ 2.59
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On the Scale. Ancient Weights
Михаил Пегов
Mail. From Cave Paintings to Email
£ 2.59
In stock
Mail. From Cave Paintings to Email
Михаил Пегов
Measure Seven Times!
£ 2.59
In stock
Measure Seven Times!
Михаил Пегов
And yet it moves! The great debater Galileo Galilei
£ 3.59
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Nicolaus Copernicus. The One Who Stopped the Sun and Shifted the Earth
£ 3.59
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Michael Faraday. Tamer of Electricity
£ 4.69
In stock
And yet she spins! The great debater Galileo Galilei
£ 5.19
In stock
Leonardo da Vinci. Man from the Future
£ 5.19
In stock
Eureka! The Story of Archimedes
£ 3.59
In stock
Eureka! The Story of Archimedes
Михаил Пегов
Isaac Newton, who had an apple fall on his head
£ 2.59
In stock
Leonardo da Vinci. Man of the Future
£ 3.59
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