A completely unremarkable high school student, Yuki Teru Amano, has one hobby — he keeps a diary on his phone where he records everything that happens around him. One morning, he discovers entries from the future. At first, Yuki Teru... is delighted by the prospects opened up before him, but one fine day he stumbles upon a description of his own death. As it turns out, Yuki Teru, without being aware of it, has become one of the twelve owners of diaries of the future — participants in a ruthless survival game organized by an omnipotent lord of time and space. Will he manage to survive the game? And can he trust the strange classmate Yuno, who claims that they are doomed to be together?
Author: Эсуно Сакаэ
Printhouse: Fabrika komiksov
Series: Манга. Дневник будущего
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 9785758403716
Number of pages: 204
Size: 180x126x12 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 210 g
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