The tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful" has been known to us since childhood. It conceals numerous hidden meanings, symbols, and references to the depths of our souls, as it is not just a story, but a true collection of the traditions...
of our ancestors, reflected in ourselves. Experiencing the fairy tale allows us to touch the sacred material of knowledge and traditions, carefully preserved for us by this fairy tale and those who passed it down orally. The transformational game "Vasilisa the Beautiful" draws a parallel between reality and the images and meanings hidden in fairy tales. The stages of the game represent segments of a journey deep within oneself, leading to a state of peace, confidence, and healing.
Author: Алена Викман-Селенина
Printhouse: AST
Series: Тайны знания. Трансформационные игры
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171637804
Number of pages: 128
Size: 254x255x48 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 842 g
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